Course objectives

Get to know the lymphatic system with its structures and functions in order to be able to make a careful medical history and create a specific customized personalized work program, and free from contraindications. The course is aimed at well-being operators and trained beauty therapists.
Duration: 24 hours
Lecturer: Manal Jbara
Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is mainly used in the treatment of oedema. The latter is often caused by the excessive accumulation of interstitial fluid. The causes of this accumulation can be the most varied. MLD promotes lymph drainage FLOWING because its slowing down can cause various imperfections such as cellulites, and continues to give excellent results not only in the therapeutic field but also in the aesthetic field.
- Blood circulation
- Return circulation
- Lymphatic System
- Lymphatic Organs
- The Lymph nodes
- The Lymph
- MLD Indications
- MLD Contraindications
- Body
- Face
At the end of the course is released a certificate recognized by Region Liguria and Cidesco.
Lymphatic drainage has very ancient origins but, as far as Western medicine is concerned the first to lay the foundations was an Austrian surgeon, Alexander Winiwarter who lived between the 19th and 20th centuries. His technique was based on three procedures: light massage with direction from proximal to distal, compression, elevation of the extremities in order to favour lymphatic outflow. Winiwarter’s method was not particularly successful, but several years later the Austrian surgeon’s studies were resumed and deepened by a graduate in philosophy, Emil Vodder, and since then lymphatic drainage has known constant fame and diffusion. The first school was created by Emil and Astrid Vodder, who worked as physiotherapists in Cannes. In 1936, the DLM was presented in Paris for the first time at a beauty congress. During the last years of his life Emil Vodder ceded the representation of his method to the Walchsee School in Austria and to Professor M. Foldi in Germany. Another important name A. Leduc was born some time later.
Tel: 0102470546 / 3271466019